Convinced that communication is one of the most essential parts of any organisation, we perform our work aiming to communicate the reality of each of San Valero Group’s institutions, to a modern, ever-changing and competitive society. We understand that the most important part is not what we say, but rather ensuring that it is understood. Alongside our marketing, communication and institutional relations teams, we work hard every day to ensure that society has clear and straightforward information on our professional activity, projects and actions.

Contact us:

Grupo San Valero

Avda. Ramón Sainz de Varanda 1-3

50009 Zaragoza



Area members:

Raúl de las Heras (Director)

Alejandro Aísa (Universidad San Jorge)

Cristina Mesa (Grupo San Valero)

Noelia Royo (CPA Salduie)

José Montoya (Grupo San Valero)

Alicia Mellén (Centro San Valero)

Patricia Capilla (Seas Estudios Abiertos)

Lissy Castillo (Fundación Dominicana San Valero)

Carmen Sánchez (Cultura USJ GSV)