Quality and environmental awareness are two hallmarks of San Valero Group. Our team works, therefore, to maintain the management system, improve the quality of the education we offer, raise awareness about the need to look after the environment, and establish yearly objectives that work towards sustainable development and our stakeholders’ satisfaction. Our most notable commitments are establishing continuous improvement strategies, improving process efficiency, waste reduction, reducing our consumption of natural resources and promoting energy savings. The Certifications obtained by San Valero Group on Quality (ISO 9001), Environmental Management (ISO 14001) and Environmental Excellence (EMAS) are proof of this commitment.

Contact us:

Grupo San Valero

Avda. Ramón Sainz de Varanda 1-3.

50009 Zaragoza

Email: calidad@gruposanvalero.es

Area members:

Ana Longarela (Responsable, CSV)

Luis Miguel Carrasco (CSV)

Silvia Martos (CPA Salduie)

Alberto Martín (Universidad San Jorge)

Kenia Griselda Casilla (Fundación Dominicana San Valero)

Daniel Serrano (SEAS)