The General Council of Aragón presents the Award for Social Merit to San Valero Vocational Training Centre for its pedagogical work in training Aragonese youth (BOA [official journal of Aragon], 20th of April).
San Valero Foundation among the finalists of the Entrepreneurial Excellence award in Aragón, 2001, in the Small and Medium-sized Enterprise category.
San Valero Foundation is selected for the “Aragonese of the Year” award, promoted by the El Periódico de Aragon newspaper and Antena 3 Television, in the “Human Values” section.
18th of December:
Beatriz Pradilla Herráiz, an Advanced Computer Applications Development student at San Valero Foundation is awarded the National Prize for Vocational Education and Training for the 2004-2005 academic year, awarded by the Ministry of Education and Culture. This past March, Beatriz received the diploma that certified the Extraordinary Award she had already obtained at a regional level, in the Assembly Hall of Zaragoza’s Feria de Muestras, as part of the II Education, Training and Employment Fair, organised by the Government of Aragón’s Department of Education, Culture and Sport.
The San Valero Foundation LIFE OPTIMIZAGUA project, approved by the European Union, becomes a benchmark for innovation applied to efficient water management, and is nominated to represent Spain for different international awards and recognitions, including “Energy Globe for Sustainability”.
The European Union, in collaboration with the Ministries of the Environment of the 27 Member States, awards the “Best Life Project” award to the San Valero Foundation’s LIFE OPTIMIZAGUA Project, certifying it among the best Life projects developed within the European Union. This is the highest possible achievement and the award is given based on both quality and results.
Selection of one of San Valero Foundation’s open access training (e-learning) courses by “Virtual Educa” - a forum attached to the Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government - as an international benchmark for training via a virtual platform in developing countries.
28th of March:
Verónica Andrés, an Advanced Electronic Product Design student at San Valero Foundation, is awarded the Extraordinary Prize for Vocational Education and Training in the Autonomous Community of Aragón for 2007, awarded by the Government of Aragón’s Department of Education, Culture and Sports. As the date coincides with the Aragon Education Day, Sheila Martínez Fernández, a student at San Valero Foundation, is given the San José de Calasanz Medal for effort and achievement in overcoming adversity over the previous two years.
June: Ricard Andrés Arbués, a 2nd year Advanced Electronic Product Design student at San Valero Foundation receives the 2nd prizce for “School Entrepreneurship”, an initiative promoted by the Government of Aragón’s Department of Education, Culture and Sports.
12th of March:
Jorge Sikale Gracia, an Advanced Machining Production student at San Valero Foundation, receives the Autonomous Community of Aragón’s Extraordinary Prize for Vocational Education and Training for 2008, awarded by the Government of Aragón’s Department of Education, Culture and Sports.
24th of September:
The “H2 TRAINING” European project, developed by San Valero Foundation in 2006 and 2007, is the only Spanish project selected by the European Commission as a “Pilot innovation development project”, representing our country at the “10th anniversary of the Leonardo da Vinci programme”.
17th of June:
San Valero Foundation students. Laia Berdún Aladrén (AdvancedHigher Level of Administration and Finance), Hector Enrique Lahoz Abadías (Electronic Product Development) and Carlos Casao López (Computer Applications Development), win 3rd prize in the School Entrepreneurship Innovation Programme (2009/2010) for their defence of “Big Domo S.L.L.- Casa Domótica” Project. The objective of this programme, promoted by the Government of Aragón’s Department of Education, Culture and Sports and Instituto Aragonés de Fomento (Aragonese Development Institute), is to prepare students undertaking vocational education and training courses to become entrepreneurs.
24th of June:
To celebrate its 30th anniversary, Confederación de la Pequeña y Mediana Empresa de Aragón (CEPYME) (Aragon Confederation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises), awards San Valero Foundation with a distinction in recognition of its role in developing the small and medium enterprise network in Aragón and for its contribution to Spain’s social and economic development.
31st of March:
San Valero Foundation students, Sergio Pérez Fernández (Advanced Automotive Training) and Jorge Lechón Gallén (Advanced Machining Production) win the Extraordinary Prize for Vocational Education and Training across the Autonomous Community of Aragón for the year 2010, promoted by the Government of Aragón’s Department of Education, Culture and Sports.
2nd of June:
Two Business Administration and Management students at San Jorge University become finalists in the national Entrepreneurs’ contest.
6th of June:
Antonio Estepa, lecturer in Architecture at San Jorge University is awarded 2nd prize at the International Viviendas V4J Contest in Cordoba.
23rd of September:
Marta Plano, a journalism student at San Jorge University, wins an award, in the amateur category, at the 1st FECYT Scientific Communication Show.
11th of October:
Politécnico San Valero in the Dominican Republic receives the “National Prize for Vocational Education and Training” from the National Institute of Technical-Vocational Training (INFOTEP), for being the best institution in the country.
3rd of November:
“Estonoesunsolar”, a project by San Jorge University students, Patrizia di Monte and Nacho Grávalos, wins the first Eurocities Prize for its contribution to improving citizens’ quality of life.
4th of November:
Communication students at San Jorge University receive an award in the “Building Europe from Aragón” Contest, promoted by the Government of Aragón’s European Funding Service.
10th of November:
San Jorge University is a winner of one of the Educaweb Awards for Academic and Professional guidance, for the “Group workshops for career guidance” project.
28th of November:
Advertising and Public Relations students at San Jorge University receive the first prize of the Economic Forum of Andorra, for the best business simulation.
2nd of December:
San Valero Foundation students, Joaquín Manuel Budria and Zeus Pueyo (Welding and Boilermaking, Intermediate VET), receive 1st and 2nd prizes, respectively, in the New Welder of Aragón category, within the Welder Awards organised by Oerlikon.
2nd of December:
Paula Ortiz, a teacher at San Jorge University, wins the prize for the best novel film director during Valladolid’s International Film Festival Week for her film, “De tu ventana a la mía” (“From your window to mine”).
13th of December:
Concepción Merino del Río, a postgraduate student in Film Directing at San Jorge University, receives the Short Film Script Prize for her work “Qué Ves” (“What you see”), from the Government’s Representation Department in Aragón.
16th of December:
San Jorge University is one of the 15 Spanish universities given the AUDIT certificate that verifies the quality of all its institutions.
14th of February:
Politécnico San Valero student, Franchesca Medina, was awarded first place in the reading skills contest of Regional 10 by the Dominican Republic’s Ministry of Education.
7th of March:
Students, Ángel Macdonald and Diego Cabrejas, from the Computer Applications Development HigherAdvanced Level programme at San Valero Foundation receive the “Don Bosco Award” in the communications technology category: telecommunications, image, sound, multimedia and computing”, for their project, “Quick nurse. App adapted for monitoring health”.
15th of March:
San Jorge University receives the diploma recognising it as a member of the “Encuentros con la Agenda 21 local” Club.
22nd of March:
David Julián, Ángel Ocejo, Pedro Sánchez, Tai Siller and Alberto Zarralanga, 2nd year Intermediate Level students in the Consumer Electronic Equipment programme at San Valero Foundation, are awarded First Prize in the Entrepreneurship contest organised by Zaragoza Activa.
Award for the best poster goes to second year Pharmacy students at San Jorge University, at the Congreso Nacional de Estudiantes de Farmacia (National Pharmacy Students Congress), which took place at the University of Valencia.
Dario Marimón García, a Seville student doing an online course in Scriptwriting at CPA Salduie Foundation, wins the 2nd Scriptwriting Prize from Villa de La Almunia (Zaragoza), for the horrory story script entitled “Los habitantes de Villa Mendoza” (“The Residents of Villa Mendoza”).
CPA Salduie Foundation wins an award at the International 3D Festival, for their LIPDUB. CPA Salduie was the only educational institution nominated and won a special award from Apuntolapospo.
3rd of June:
The PLAY IT APP project developed by three students on the San Valero Foundation Advanced VET Computer Applications Development course receives a €2000 prize in a competition at the “Second Web Congress 2012”, which took place in Zaragoza from the 1st to the 3rd of June. 40 projects were entered into this competition, and “Play it App” was considered the best internet-reliant project. The same project received first prize in the 5th edition of the “FSV Academic Project Award” on the 1st of June.
13th of June:
Second year Administration and Finance degree students at San Valero Foundation, Nieves Ariza, Patricia García and Soraya Gracia, are awarded 2nd PRIZE in “SCHOOL ENTERPRENEURSHIP“ for their project, HAPPY VENDING. It has been recognised as the best entrepreneurial project in the A Category for Vocational Education and Training.
Alicia Martínez de Yuso becomes the first student to receive her doctorate at San Jorge University, with her thesis entitled “Development of activated carbons from lignocellulose waste for Toluene and N-Hexane adsorption and recovery”.
June: Diego Rodrigo Bordetas and Mario Aldea Cebollo, second year A-level students at San Valero Foundation, won the second prize in the Best Entrepreneurial Initiative in the A-level category, in the School Entrepreneurship programme, promoted by the Department of Industry and Innovation on behalf of Instituto Aragonés de Fomento and the Department of Education, University, Culture and Sports.
2nd of October:
The Dominican Republic institutions are awarded first place in the IV Category for the National Prize for Academic Excellence by INFOTEP, making them the only institution to have received this award twice in the three years since it was established.
Jorge García, an Automation lecturer at SEAS and responsible for the Remote Controller, collects 3rd prize in the institutional category at the Academic and Career Guidance Awards granted by Educaweb, in Barcelona.
Guillermo Cruz, an ESAH student, is awarded Best Spanish Sommelier 2014 by the Spanish Sommelier Associations Union.
Raquel Alonso Román, an A-level student in Science and Technology at San Valero Centre is awarded the secondary education honours prize granted by the Government of Aragón.
16th of December:
Student, Joaquín Manuel Budría Jiménez, receives the Extraordinary Prize of Advanced Vocational Education and Training in the Mechanical Manufacturing category for 2012.
18th of December:
Centro de Educación Secundaria (Centre for Secondary Education) wins the ETWINNING 2015 national award, called by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, for the development of collaborative education projects in Europe, in collaboration with Lycée Honoré Estienne d'Horves (Nice) and IES Alfred Ayza (Peñiscola).
Students, Juliette Pimentel (Politécnico Aragón) and Jolivet de la Rosa (Politécnico San Valero) were acknowledged by the Dominican Republic’s Ministry of Education as the two students with the highest average across the 10-01 Education District.
San Jorge University and CPA-Salduie receive Augusto awards for supporting short films, awarded by Zaragoza Film Festival.
For the second year running, LIFE DOMOTIC receives the European Union’s Best Life Environment Prize, led by San Valero Group, considered to be one of the best European environmental innovation projects.
2nd of February:
Alberto Aznar, a 2nd year Mechanical Manufacturing student, is awarded first prize in the CNC-Milling contest as part of the Aragón Skills championship. Diego Sanmartín, also a student, is awarded a commendable 4th place in Turning.
San Valero Foundation is awarded the Best of the Best Life Environment prize for its Power (Project for Optimization of Water and Emissions Reduction) project, judged by a panel of international experts from the European Union as the best European innovative environmental project for 2014.
The Government of Aragón acknowledges San Valero Foundation by awarding it the 2015 Environmental Prize for their project, Domotic, which was entered into the non-profit category.
The SEAS website is named the best business website in the III Aragón Awards in the Heraldo de Aragón (newspaper) network.
San Valero Group’s Life DOMOTIC project wins the EcoInnovation prize in the Tercer Milenio de Heraldo contest.
San Valero Group receives the special CEPYME Aragón prize from Javier Lambán, President of the Autonomous Community of Aragón, for its contribution to comprehensive and vocational education and training (VET) as a tool for developing a solid and dynamic entrepreneurial fabric.