10th of October:
The Parish of San Valero’s Junta de Obras Sociales (Benevolence Committee) meets for the first time, with the second item on its agenda being: “To create a professional education institution for workers and apprentices”.
6th of April:
The opening of Escuela Nocturna Gratuita de Reeducación Profesional San Valero (San Valero Free Night School for Vocational Retraining).
19th of October:
The start of the first full year at San Valero Vocational Training School, with 109 students enrolled.
11th of July:
Launch of the first workshop at San Valero School.
8th of January:
San Valero School goes from being parish work to Diocesan work.
29th of January:
San Valero Festivity. The opening of workshops on Calle Unceta, 13.
11th of February:
San Valero School of Learning is declared an unofficial institution and is recognised by the Ministry of Education and Science.
29th of January:
Official launch of the new facilities on Calle Jardines, nº 11.
The start of new modules for Intermediate and AdvancedHigher Vocational Education and Training (VET). The start of the EGB (Basic General Education) for 11 to 14-year olds.
10th of November:
The centre is authorised to offer Industrial Master courses.
Conversion and definite classification as an accredited institution for Intermediate and AdvancedHigher VET.
20th of May:
First educational agreements signed with the Ministry of Education and Science.
In May 1987, move to the new facilities on Calle Violeta Parra, 9.
Centro de Aplicaciones Tecnológicas (Technology Application Institute) is created.
The General Council of Aragón gives the Medal for Social Merit to San Valero Vocational Training Centre, for its commendable pedagogical work towards the professional education of Aragón’s young people.
Centro de Formación Ocupacional (Occupational Training Centre) is created.
In collaboration with OSCUS, an institution is created in the Guarícano neighbourhood of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
1st of April:
The beginning of the Agencia de Colocación de Fundación San Valero (San Valero Foundation Placement Agency).
20th of October:
CPA Salduie, audiovisual training centre, starts its activity at what are currently the Aragonese Radio and Television facilities (Avda. María Zambrano, 2).
Agreement signed with Zaragoza City Council to manage the Casco Viejo social and employmentoccupational centre.
Launch of the new facilities of the Dominican Republic institution.
Celebration of San Valero’s 50th anniversary.
Creation of SEAS, Estudios Superiores Abiertos, engaged in online training.
CPA Salduie centre moves to new CAI facilities on Avda. Alcalde Sáinz de Varanda.
Launch of the Ciudad Colonial Technology Centre in the Dominican Republic
24th of February:
The law that enabled the launch of the first private university in Aragón, San Jorge University, promoted by San Valero Foundation, was approved by the Regional Parliament of Aragon.
San Jorge University moves to the Villanueva de Gállego campus.
On the occasion of Expo Zaragoza 2008, the Holy See, through Spain’s Apostolic Nunciature, names San Valero Foundation as an expert entity to participate in the forum of the Water Tribune Theme Weeks.
SEAS moves to new facilities on Calle Violeta Parra, 9.
17th of August:
The President of the Dominican Republic, Mr. Leonel Fernández and the Minister of Education, open the Dominican academic year at Politécnico Aragón.
Ligia Amada Melo, Minister of Higher Education in the Dominican Republic, visits Politécnico Aragón, which forms part of Fundación Dominicana San Valero.
Celebration of the 60th anniversary of San Valero Foundation, 15th anniversary of CPA Salduie Foundation and the 10th anniversary of SEAS.
CPA-Salduie at the San Sebastian Film Festival as a judge in the Youth category.
SEAS, Estudios Superiores Abiertos launch the online SEAS technical pathway and CPA.
San Jorge University and the Spanish National Research Council sign a collaboration agreement to develop master’s and doctorate programmes to further their students’ education.
San Jorge University signs an agreement with the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Government of Aragón, to undertake the UNInnova project.
The 20th anniversary of Fundación Dominicana San Valero, one of the main Aragonese Development Cooperation projects, which receives institutional prizes and awards to excellence in vocational education and training.
San Jorge University celebrates its 10th anniversary on the 24th of February at an event attended by, the whole Aragonese society. The Gold Medal was awarded to the municipality of Villanueva de Gállego.
San Jorge University receives authorisation to offer degrees in Infant Education and Primary Education to train teachers in new educational trends.
San Jorge University calls the First Jalón Ángel National Photography Prize through its photographic archive and the collaboration of the Cultural Activities Service, with the participation of more than 200 photographers.
SEAS, Estudios Superiores Abiertos and Cegos Group formalise online courses in Sales and Human Resources.
BSH Electrodomésticos España and San Valero Centre celebrate the opening of the first Dual Advanced Course on Industrial Mechatronics, at Zaragoza Chamber of Commerce.
San Jorge University and ESIC Business & Marketing School sign an agreement which enables their Zaragoza institution to be affiliated with the university and offer a Marketing Degree as an official qualification.
In Veracruz, Mexico, the alliance between Cristóbal Colón University in Mexico and SEAS is presented, resulting in online Cristóbal Colón University so the Mexican institution can offer accredited online university education.