An institution’s most important assets are, without a doubt, its people. This is even more so for San Valero Group, because we share the crucially important mission of education, through a unique identity, and with the overall aim of contributing to the development of individuals as well as society as a whole. All of this means having the common objective of integrating competent professionals into our institutions, who are capable of team work, who have a proactive attitude and commit to their work, internally helping and fostering their continuous training. People, who are able to adapt to new management processes, teaching methods, innovation processes, and who can tackle development projects that impact on a clear commitment to educational quality.
Ana Longarela (Responsable, CSV)
Ana Gimeno (Estudios Superiores Abiertos)
Rosana Calavia (CPA Salduie)
Ana Mª Dominguez Rodríguez (Centro San Valero)
María Jesús Vinacua (Universidad San Jorge)
Mabelline Lisselotte Castillo (Fundación Dominicana San Valero)