San Jorge University
University institution with a wide range of official Bachelor's and postgraduate degrees

San Jorge University is a non-profit entity whose educational model prioritises comprehensive and integrated training for its students - individual and social - through personalised contact time for both personal and professional development.

At its campus, which covers 22 hectares of land used for teaching and research, San Jorge University promotes studying, learning, teaching and scientific research, to give real answers to today’s social issues, drawing inspiration from the philosophy of Christian humanism.
One of the aspects that defines SJU is the specific design of the Tutorial Action Plan whose aim is to foster students’ comprehensive education through personal, academic and professional guidance, so they obtain a quality education.

The tutor assigned to each student works across these three developmental areas to achieve personal and professional maturity, facilitating integration into the labour market, with full guarantees ofand success.

In terms of facilities, San Jorge University is home to the Faculty of Communication and Social Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences and the School of Architecture and Technology, offering nineteen degrees, ten master’s degrees, ten of the university’s own non-official diplomas and degrees as well as three doctorates. SJU also boasts a sports campus where students can take part in a wide range of sporting disciplines.


Campus Universitario de Villanueva de Gállego
A-23 Motorway Zaragoza-Huesca km. 299
50830 Villanueva de Gállego (Zaragoza)
Telephone number: 976 060 100


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