In terms of the specific economic responsibilities within the finance area, its strategies and decisions must always ensure compliance with the foundational purposes and abide by the code of conduct currently in place at our institutions. These objectives can undoubtedly be better achieved through appropriate monitoring and economic management of the activity with the overall aim of optimising resources that are always limited. The coordination of the five institutions of San Valero Group fosters synergies and provides new opportunities. Economic planning - both medium and long term -, in accordance with the strategic plans that have been put in place, is particularly relevant for the Economy and Finance Area.

Contact us:

Grupo San Valero

Avda. Ramón Sainz de Varanda 1-3.

50009 Zaragoza


Area members:

Jorge Díez Zaera (Responsable, USJ)

Luis Miguel Carrasco (Centro San Valero)

Rosa Bartolomé (Centro San Valero)

Alberto Egido (SEAS, Estudios Superiores Abiertos)

Vanesa Mercader (CPA Salduie)

Ana Alonso (Universidad San Jorge)

Francisco  Carmona (Fundación Dominicana San Valero)