Fundación Dominicana San Valero
cabecera fundación dominicana
Project engaged in health, social and pastoral services and teaching

Fundación Dominicana San Valero manages a number of centres in Santo Domingo - Politécnico San Valero, Politécnico Aragón and the Ciudad Colonial Technology Centre - and is specialised in training people for employability. It offers technical secondary school courses, continuous training courses, advanced technical degrees, and primary and secondary education for adults. It offers the most important development cooperation programmes promoted by Aragón.

Its mission is not limited to creating good technicians, but rather its objective is to provide society with individuals instilled with values. This has enabled FUNDOSVA ( to become one of the main suppliers of the specialist workforce that society desperately needs. All its technical courses are geared twoardstowards the needs expressed by business people in the Dominican Republic, both in technical fields and in the service sector.



C/ Ilustración, 1
Guaricanos, Sto Domingo Norte
Dominican Republic
Telephone number: (809) 701 5652


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